- This cover is pretty typical of a cover for a linkin park album cover as mike shinoda - one of the vocalists and guitar players in the band - is always on the project design team who also cover the design of their album covers. He draws anime so it isnt surprising that the album cover has an anime feel to it. The colour of the whole cover gives it an earthy feel as the prodominant colours are brown and orange. there are also quite a few musical images for example a keyboard, mic, speakers, guitars...
- there isnt much text on the front cover jus the artist name and the name of the abum. the name of the artists is larger than the album name. the linkin park is also bigger than jay z's suggesting they had more of an input... they are both the same font style - stencil - but different colours. artist names: blue and wite, and album colour: orange. all the text is in the centre of the cover as well. any extra info is put on a sticker. on the back cover the headings are inthe same font as the text o the front jus a smaller size and in black. the rest of the text is similar to arial and either blue or black
- On the front cover the text is infront of the images, however on the back the images are interrupted by a white 'splash' which is covered by the text. on the inside cover on the first two pges the pictures are the background for the text, however for the rest of the booklet the bottom of the pages are especially for the text and the rest of the pg is for pics of the band members etc.
- The artists and their record labels are mainstream esp jay z who produces music himself etc. the cover shows the fact that they have the money because of the fact that the package not onlii contains a CD bt also a DVD as well qas d fact that the cover is a cardboard, 3 folded cover and the animation runs throughout the cover and is also consistent to the inside cover.
- the potential target audience is oviously quite a modern audience ie late teens to early 30as mainly because of the anime-grafitti crossover. the grafitti represents jay zs supports while the anime feel is for the linkin park followers.
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